A luxurious Ayurvedic copper tongue scraper from Art of Vedas, designed to gently remove toxins and impurities from the tongue, promoting a healthier mouth and body.

Koppar tunga skraper

141 kr 118 kr
Arimedadi Thailam, an Ayurvedic therapeutic oil known for its versatile health benefits. The bottle is set against a serene, natural background, emphasizing the organic and holistic nature of the product. The oil's rich, golden hue is visible through the clear glass, suggesting purity and quality. The label on the bottle is elegantly designed, with legible text that conveys essential product information, including its name and key benefits.

Arimedadi thailam

270 kr

1 350 kr l
Image showcasing the Art of Vedas Copper Glass Bottle Set, featuring a 950ml copper bottle with a smooth, shiny finish and two complementary copper glasses, all arranged on a wooden table. The set reflects a warm, amber glow, emphasizing its elegant and traditional design suitable for health-focused hydration. - Shop Ayurveda Oral Care online in Netherlands

Rent kopparglas

176 kr

Buy Copper Bottle Set - 2 300ML Glasses and 1 copper bottle by Art of Vedas

Komplett kopparhydreringsset

458 kr