Prasarini Thailam


202 kr

Art of Vedas Prasarini Thailam är en ayurvedisk olja känd för sin effektivitet för att lindra led- och muskelvärk. Formulerad med Prasarini och andra kraftfulla örter, riktar den sig mot reumatisk smärta, ischias och muskuloskeletala obehag. Dess anti-inflammatoriska och smärtlinjende egenskaper främjar rörlighet och ger komfort. Perfekt för massage, förbättrar cirkulationen och hjälper till snabb återhämtning, gör det en föredragen naturlig behandling för att upprätthålla ledhälsa och välbefinnande.


  • Lac, Fermented cereal liquid, Sesame oil, Anethum sowa, Cedrus deodara, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Paedaria foetida, Plumbago zeylanica, Piper officinarum, Rock salt, Yogurt, Scindapsus officinalis, Semicarpus anacardium


  • 200 ML

202 kr

Prasarani Thailam - Ayurvedic Herbal Oil and Thailam by Art of Vedas. Shop Online.

Prasarini Thailam: Relief for Joints and Muscles

Prasarini Thailam is a highly valued Ayurvedic oil known for its efficacy in treating joint and muscle pains, particularly those arising from rheumatic conditions. By deeply penetrating the tissues, it alleviates pain, reduces inflammation, and enhances mobility. Ideal for individuals suffering from arthritis or sciatica, its regular application as part of a therapeutic massage helps to soothe discomfort and promote overall physical well-being.

How to use Prasarini Thailam

  1. Warm the Oil: Heat a small amount of Prasarini Thailam gently until it is slightly warm to touch, enhancing its penetration and effectiveness.
  2. Apply Gently: Massage the oil into the affected areas, focusing on joints and muscles where pain and stiffness are prevalent.
  3. Massage Techniques: Use circular motions for joints and long strokes for muscles to help the oil penetrate deeper and stimulate circulation.
  4. Rest Period: Allow the oil to absorb into the skin for at least 30 minutes; overnight application can maximize benefits.
  5. Wash Off: Optionally, you can wash off the oil with warm water if needed after the rest period.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Kerstin S.
Very Good quality

The quality of the oil is very good and satisfying. And Customer Service is very good and helpful.